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Home EDUCATION 10 Changes That Will Help Improve College Performance

10 Changes That Will Help Improve College Performance


Excellent academic performance propels college students to keep moving in the right direction. Sometimes, even the brightest students find themselves underperforming depending on their targets. This is not their fault.

Even when the whole class has performed below the expected target, top students may feel comfortable being at the top. Others may have been underperforming and have no clue how to perform well. Here are ten changes that will help improve college performance.


Make use of technology

You have the course outline and technology with you. These are among the most important elements that you can use to improve your academic performance. Do not wait until the instructor teaches the next topic. Get started with it before, as this will help you understand it clearly. You can also use technology to revise for your exams. Eventually, you will improve your academic performance.

Sometimes, there is too much pressure from the other units that the college students are covering. Some education institutions give a lot of assignments, while others give a few questions for discussion. If you face challenges beyond your capacity and discussion group, you can seek help from online sites. I face similar challenges often, so I let the subject experts at StudyClerk write my research paper for me, and they do the assignment as needed. Meanwhile, you can keep studying the other units to have a balanced academic life.

Adopting a positive mental attitude

Your reaction matters a lot when faced with lower-than-expected grades in college. It’s normal to get disappointed, but this should not take much of your time. Sometimes, you might miss your targets every time you try, which may lead to depression. You need to adopt a positive mental attitude if this happens to you. 

Work out on your loopholes

Loopholes are areas that you need to work on before drawing up your action plan. These are areas in which you are underperforming in every subject. Of course, it’s hard to fail in all areas of the subject being taught. Take all the grades for the past semester and make sure you highlight all these areas. Ensure that you seal all the loopholes as it will improve your college performance.

Talk to your instructors

Your instructors know you the best. That’s why it’s worth talking to them about the issue you are facing. They will be honest because it’s their joy to see the students succeed academically. Here, you need to ask them about the areas they think you should improve to meet your target. 

Pay more attention in class

It’s not abnormal to be absent-minded in class. That’s especially when the lesson is taking too long, and your concentration span is short. The best way to increase your concentration is by asking more questions. This will help you stay livelier instead of copying what the instructor is writing or whatever is being explained. As a result, you will keep your mind in class instead of letting it wander, eventually leading to higher scores.


Get organized

It’s hard to succeed when you are disorganized. Maybe, you keep repeating the same mistake every academic year. Maybe you are giving too much focus on non-academic issues. Or you are giving one unit more attention than the other. You need to get organized from day one and be consistent with your organization plan.

Adopt good study habits

Since your last results, have you reviewed your studying habits? You need to analyze how your study habits are helping you. If they are not, there is a need to adopt good study habits. These habits include using a research-based approach, developing pretexts, and using spaced practice. 

Know your limits

By the time you are in college, you should have understood your limits. This will help to avoid taking more than you can. Simply because you underperformed, it doesn’t mean you should stay awake for the whole night reading! You need breaks to digest and practice what you have been reading. 

Avoid shortcuts

Shortcuts will get you doing your work fast, but they will never make you understand the concepts. They will make you lazy, and as a result, your mind gets used to having a simple learning process. If you have been copying assignments, you need to stop that immediately and do them independently. 

Make use of discussion groups

While you have been facing challenges, your classmates might be the greatest resources. It’s important to connect with them and form discussion groups. As you assist each other to handle the challenges, you will learn from each other.


Underperforming in college can sometimes be discouraging. How you respond to the disappointments associated with the poor performance determines whether you will improve or not. You can choose some of the points mentioned above and apply them to your life. You will get excellent scores if you keep following the tips. 

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Author’s Bio

Percy J. Bunnell works for an online marketing tool company that provides digital marketing solutions to its clients. He’s a content writer, and his job is around creating content and marketing booklets for the clients. Besides, he loves blogging, kayaking, and helping students write essays.

Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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