Sunday , 8 September 2024
Home Health Why is Turmeric Good for Health?

Why is Turmeric Good for Health?


Turmeric is a spice that is used for countless purposes around the globe. It is a common ingredient in Indian cuisine, but it is also used in many medicines because of its medicinal properties. Polyphenol Curcumin is created from turmeric and is also used as an ingestible supplement and curcumin tablets. It is a product of the plant called Curcuma longa, a part of ginger’s plant family. Many culinary enthusiasts and healthcare experts worldwide recognize the numerable benefits of and suggest an increase in the basic diet. Following are some of the benefits:

It works as an antioxidant

Turmeric is an excellent antioxidant, and it also has anti-inflammatory properties that make it a perfect ingredient for various medicines and home remedies. Many scientific tests prove the benefits of turmeric, claiming that it can increase the serum activity of antioxidants in the body. It also helps in inhibiting tumor growth and fighting oxidative stress.

Anti-inflammatory Properties of Turmeric

Inflammation is indeed a major cause of many diseases and health issues. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a great agent that helps prevent diseases like epilepsy, cardio-vascular disorders, bronchitis, arthritis, etc., because inflammation is a significant cause of these diseases. It also helps in dealing with workout-related inflammation or soreness in muscles and improves muscle activity. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help enhance memory as inflammation is a primary cause of brain damage or memory loss. Turmeric consumption is a great way to prevent that.

It acts As a Pain Killer.

Turmeric can also have pain-relieving properties, especially in the case of arthritis. It is used as a significant ingredient in the ancient healing techniques of Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. However, modern-day medical science claims that curcumin supplements can have noticeable positive benefits if paired with other drugs.

It Helps in Dealing with Depression.

In a brain affected by depression, the size of the hippocampus starts shrinking. Turmeric can prevent that from happening as it helps in increasing the levels of a protein called Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), which allows the brain to fight depression.

There are countless other benefits of turmeric like it also helps prevent kidney-related issues, degenerative eye function, metabolic problems, etc. However, these benefits are mainly an aftereffect of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. However, an excess of anything can be harmful to the body; one should not consume too much, even if it is in the form of supplements or curcumin tablets, as it can cause rash, headache, nausea, diarrhea, etc. Experts say it is safe to consume 500 to 1000 milligrams of turmeric daily, but one should consult a professional before beginning consumption. Each body reacts differently to everything; hence, consuming a diet that suits your body well is advisable.

Turmeric is distinctly significant throughout the world. For example, in India, it is primarily used as a spice in many dishes; on the other hand, it is used as an ingredient for various teas in Japan. Some countries like Korea and China use it in making cosmetics, and in various other countries, it is put in different sauces and food enhancers.

It does not only have dietary uses, but it is also used in creating chemical-free colors for artistic purposes, and it is also used in various skin care products. The middle eastern people have been using it as a common ingredient for everything from skincare to medicines, which makes it an important product throughout the world.

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Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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