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Wattpad Review 2021 | A Perfect Place To Grow As An Author


Has a fascinating story in your mind?, Author why not publish it on Wattpad – A great place for writers to share their ultimate storylines and drastically increase fans of their writing. If you’re newer to this platform, need not worry because in this Wattpad review guide we’ve published everything about Wattpad, so far, we know.

So What Type of Platform Wattpad Is?

It’s more than a social network as you can consider it as a multi-platform entertainment-based company for stories. Authors can describe their narratives and ultimately build a following of avid readers. It was a chance to find their ultimate carrier for many and it also helps to keep connected us with traditional authors like Margaret Atwood.

More than 89% audience is generation Z and millennium on this platform. If you write for New Adult (NA) or Young Adult (YA), what’s stopping you from being on Wattpad’s – login today and share your amazing story.

It will not take long for your story to be converted into a blockbuster movie or TV show. This platform is promoting many new genres for the readers.

Genres on Wattpad:

FantasyParanormalHistorical FictionAdventureMystery
PoetryEditor’s PicksHorrorShort StoryTeen Fiction
RomanceHumorScience FictionContemporary LitDiverse Lit
LGBTQ+New AdultThrillerFanfictionNon-Fiction
Wattys 2020WerewolfVampireSpiritualTeen Fiction

this site has grown up so much for many years since it was first established in 2007. It was author Allen Lau’s dream to establish a digital network for audiences all over the world to connect with the stories they love on a mini mobile device. A company that started with nothing now has a vibrant amount of audience more than 90Millions which gives it 23 billion+ watch time every month.

Wattpad Numbers Chart:

Monthly Audience90 M+
Monthly Watch Time23 B+
Audience ScaleGen Z/Y (90%+)
Avg Session Time52 Min

Global Expansion:

The platform is not just lying on its origin place, the Toronto capital of Canada but the wings of it are expanding overseas covering more than 50 languages diverse stories, and 90 million readers all over the Globe. It has become a Data mine for publishers, to extract the best stories of all based on trends on this site.

Wattpad Investors:

Wattpad has also some big guns supporting it from behind but at the same time, it is making enormous profit every year. The company has raised more than 117 USD dollars from global investors. These include Tencent, USV, Khoslaventures, Omers Ventures, Golden venture partners, AME CLOUD Ventures, VersionOneVentures, AUGUST CAPITAL, RAINE, Northleaf Capital Partner.

If you have a story in your mind, break it down to the world and describe your narratives. Stories are dynamic and are living, that’s how Wattpad describes it.

A single story might change the way a documentary or film is described so don’t keep it inside you, let it free. From All around the world, people make their storylines using mobile phones and most of them are on Wattpad.

To cut a long story short Wattpad is social storytelling platform and food for the readers as well as the ultimate tool for the writer to promote their content. So if you’re new to this platform or want to write your first ever story, let’s see how to do it?

Wattpad Review For Beginner – How to Start Using Wattpad?

Treat it like any other social network but just be a little specific about what you’re going to do either way you’re here The foremost thing to do is to have an account to start with.

Getting Started:

Creating an Account:

Creating an account is as simple as ABC, Just follow the below steps:

You can see there is a 3-ways signup option whether you can do it via Facebook, get synchronized by Google, or sign up manually with an email account. I recommend you to signup with Facebook to get the most relevant data.

Choose whatever options seem easy for you to use while using google will let you configure your username and password.

Step 2: Enter Username and Password:

Enter a specific username for your profile, working email, and password.

Step 3: Tell About Yourself:

Based on your intention, whether you are here to read amazing stories or write your own to engage the audience. You can also select both.

Step 4: Select Genre:

Wattpad features many genres to let you customize newsfeeds based on your interest. Select your suitable genres so to filter posts. I am more into adventure-type stories but you can choose fiction, fantasy whatever you like.

Hooray! You’re now an official Wattpad’s Member – It’s time to explore the power of this platform just dive into the ocean of great stories or be an author of an upcoming blockbuster release.

Wattpad Review – Reader’s Guide

Follow some people on Wattpad, learn how site etiquettes work and search for keywords in the search bar, follow the authors on similar work.

Search for keywords, refine them by tags, or even categorized them by genre. On the right bar, you can see a bunch of profiles, follows the writers on similar topics. It will eventually help you to decorate your newsfeed.

Reading List: A reading list help you to list all the stories you read in a single folder. You can easily share Wattpad reading using the reading list. But the maximum number of stories you can add to the reading list is 200.

Library: The library is the private Wattpad folder, which lets you organize and track all of your stories in one place. It is not shareable with other audiences. You can apply multiple filters to the library and customize it on your own.

You can filter it by :

  • Title
  • Writer name
  • Recently Updated
  • Recently read
  • Recently Added ( Android Only)

Community: Wattpad’s milestone is its community. Communities are the best way to organize your fanbase and to connect people of similar interests.

Push Notifications: One of the advanced features of Wattpad is its amazing push notifications, which will keep you updated with the latest stories.

Wattpad Review – Writer’s Guide

There’s no doubt that Wattpad is a place to grow as an author, The overall writing process is broken down into 3-processes.

1.Create: The first thing to as an author is to write your first story. Wattpad has given some guidelines to let you write amazing stories into a free space where you can write whatever you want, just be a little specific.

Just try to add as many emotions to your writing as you can, that’s how an author is described. You can have an idea of the writing style (50+ resources) for the specific genre by reading your followed writers.

2.Build: This stage is all about giving your stories maximum potential to engage more audiences. Creating a global fan-based (90 Million) goal is the ultimate objective of this process.

3.Amplify: Amplification includes converting your written stories into a source of sales including books, TV series, or movies. It might be chosen by Hollywood and you are given the chance to stand out in the arena of top-rated authors of all time. Get a Wattpad Star Status.

Read more : 1bettor login

Wattpad Review – How to Sell Books Using Wattpad?

As Wattpad is an ultimate platform to promote your narratives and to read millions of engaging stories for free. But you can also sell books using Wattpad book review.

First of all, building a fan base for your writing is essential then you can add a link to your book in the meta-data of your stories or even add in the last chapters. Just use a serialization way of advertising it over Wattpad, so your audience will prefer buying the book except waiting for the next chapter to come out.

Advantages of Using Wattpad

Wattpad is fully worth it as it an incredible place to dive into an ocean of intellectual storytelling and a unique collection of interesting series which will help you to broaden the boundaries of your thinking capabilities – To connect with the people of the same interest across the globe.

  • Supports Cross Platforms ( IOS, Web, Android)
  • Wattpad doesn’t hold ownership of your written stories. ( You can remove it anytime and publish it elsewhere)
  • Free!, one of the main pros of the Wattpad is that you don’t have to pay just to read.
  • Awards campaigns are being launched to support creative stories.
  • Communities help readers to connect to the group of similar interests.

Wattpad Review – Final Words

On the whole, I considert his to be an amazing platform to promote a diverse array of stories, ideas, and perspectives. A perfect place for an author to share his narratives and for readers to read incredible stories based on their interests.

I hope my Wattpad review has answered all of your queries, I would myself like to know your experience. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment and share your recommendation/queries/experience with us on is Wattpad good for reading.

Reference links : vietsn

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Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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