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Home BUSINESS Sell Tickets On Eventbrite Today

Sell Tickets On Eventbrite Today

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Have you been planning an event for a while now and are ready to start selling tickets for it? Here is how to sell tickets on Eventbrite today.

Create Your Event

Start by going to the Eventbrite home page and selecting “create an event.” This will lead you to a page that will ask for basic details like the event title, type, category, and location. Next, you will need to add the dates of the event, along with the main event image. So be sure you have an image on hand and ready to go.

Finally, you have to provide a brief description of the event. Once all of this is complete, just hit save and your account will be made.

Create Tickets

Once your account is created, it is time to choose whether you will be selling general admission tickets or reserved seating tickets. For most events, general admission will do the trick.

Simply go to “Sell Tickets” and “Add Ticket” to either create your own ticket or copy one from someone else’s event. It is completely up to you. You may need to do a package upgrade if you want more than one type of ticket.

Create Sell Tickets Set Up Events Order Form

This is where you will decide what information you want to collect from your attendees. You can even create custom questions to ask buyers. Usually, people just ask for things like the name and email of the buyer and possibly their general location.

Choose Eventbrite Package

The next step is to choose which of their three packages is right for you. Choose between the Essentials package, Professional package, and Premium package. You get access to more features the higher up the package level you go.

Select Payment Processing

Choose between Eventbrite’s built-in payment process, Paypal, or This is necessary to process your customer’s payments. Once this is done, your account will be fully set up and people will be able to search for your event in Eventbrite. You will be able to sell tickets online to your event without much of a hassle.

Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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