What is Market Social
Market Social Media have also known (Social Media Marketing) is the Strategy that is used to
increase the views and clicks on the Posts and media Shared on Social Media
Examples of Social Media
Facebook is one of the Most Famous Social Media Platform and
also has the highest Traffic In the World Web a quick estimated figure is 2.6
Billion Active Users
After Facebook
YouTube is one of the Most Famous Social Media Platform and Entertainment platform, I just can’t
imagine a world without YouTube almost all of the videography Community earns
from here it also has the highest Traffic in the World Web and it has Almost 2 Billion Active
Users In this year (2020)
Who Don’t know about WhatsApp, it is the top Communication Platform on the Internet and is Very
Secure platform and in this year its Active Users Also Crossed “2 Billion”
FB Messenger
What’s a Social Media Platform without Messaging options Just like Facebook
Instead of adding a messaging option on Facebook, they Created (Developed) another
separate Platform For massaging and name it Facebook Messenger and it has 1.3
Billions Active
is very Famous Among Young generation and it is mostly Use by Models and it is
great for Marketing Instagram have almost 1 Billions Active Users
There are many more Platform but these are the Ideal Places For Marketing
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