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Home Lifestyle Benefits of wearing an Emerald stone

Benefits of wearing an Emerald stone


A lot of people do believe in wearing gemstones. They believe that if they wear them then those can bring some positive changes in their lives. Also, it can help one to take some positive and right decisions in the coming days.

As per general astrological studies, there are particular 9 gemstones and they represent the 9 planets of the Universe. These gemstones are supposed to be worn by one according to their birth chart. Among the 9 popular gemstones, Emerald is one.

For many centuries, this particular gemstone is considered to come with some high astrological values. This is said to be a reflective stone and in India it is popularly known as the Panna stone. When it comes to Vedic astrological studies this planet is represented by the Buddha or the Mercury planet and this is also considered to be the planet of intelligence. This stone is mainly advised to be worn by someone whose position of Mercury is kind of weak according to their horoscope and birth chart.

If one goes deeper to the astrological studies, then this planet of Mercury represents sharp wit, humour, high grasping ability, knowledge, skills, ability to speak out loud and definitely confidence. Mercury also represents intelligence, success in examination and higher education. It is an auspicious planet for those who belong to occupations like authors news editors, media persons, writers, artists, chartered accountants and lawyers. If one has a very string mercurial position according to their birth chart then one’s life can be full of success and joy. But when one has a mercurial position, then there can be some dullness and anxiety in life.

Emerald is one such gemstone which has a strong significance according to both Western and Vedic astrology. This gemstone is advised to be worn by people who are born in the month of May because it is their birth stone. Emerald has a very vibrant appearance and it comes with a lovely aura. It consists of some distinctive qualities from the Mercury planet and this stone also contains some great healing properties.

Major benefits of wearing an Emerald gemstone

  • Wearing a Panna can always influence the intellectual progress of an individual’s life. It enhances the natural grasping capacity of a human being apart from increasing their wisdom power. One can understand life better and bring some harmony into it. It can also ignite desire in one when this stone is worn.
  • As per astrological studies, Mercury is the planet which influences this stone the most. It also excels in the area of creativity and art in one’s life. Hence, when one wears a Panna stone then they can increase their artistic ability. This stone serves great purpose for people who are in the field of painting, designing, music and writing. This can be very effective when it comes to boosting the creativity level.
  • This particular gemstone is also said to increase one’s communication skills. Many people suffer from lack of confidence when it comes to putting ahead their point in front of others. This stone can also generate confidence in one.
  • Emeralds are considered to be much auspicious if it is worn by a businessman. When one owns a business then it is a lovely idea to wear them because it can bring in a lot of profit in the business.
  • If a child is facing some issues and when they are weak in their studies then wearing a Panna stone can actually benefit them. If this stone is worn then the child can concentrate more on their studies and they can be more eager to learn new things. Wearing this stone can bring in some success in the examination and it can also increase their grasping ability. Panna can ignite in some competitive attitude among individuals and helps one to speak and think better.
  • As per many astrological experts, if one wears an emerald stone then it can bring in lot of respect and love in a relationship. It can also grant a lot of faithfulness to the wearer. If one wears this stone then it can ignite in true love in between a couple. It can also nurture some positive thoughts about each other. One can heal their heart and also forget past bad memories by wearing this stone.
  • Wearing this stone can actually make one famous. This is hence tagged as a royal gemstone since many centuries because it can bring both name and fame.

Health Benefits of wearing this stone

  • When one has a wear Mercurial position as per their birth charts they can suffer from health issues like allergies, emphysema, chronic bronchitis and some more. This stone can also provide with some relief when one is suffering from respiratory issues because of allergies and other skin problems. It can also help one with clear speech.
  • According to Vedic astrology this stone also helps an individual to stay away from negative people. It can make sure that the opponent always fails to harm the wearer.
  • Panna stone comes with a healing effect. If one is facing some issues with focus and thinking then this stone can always be beneficial.

The Right Way to Wear Emerald

This gemstone is said to be an opulent one. This can provide the wearer with a lot of benefits. One needs to wear them on the little or the circular finger on their working hand. It must be worn with z golden or a silver ring. Before wearing a Panna stone one has to soak it in Gangajal for 10 minutes and then wear it. One also needs to keep the stone clean to get maximum benefits from it.

Before wearing Panna or any other gemstone it is much needed to consult an experienced astrologer. Not all gemstones are suited for everyone. One must wear gemstones as per their birth charts. One can always buy authentic gemstones from Khannagemsas they deal with the certified ones in the market.

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Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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