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Home EDUCATION CBSE Class 9: Here’s How You can Improve your English Grammar

CBSE Class 9: Here’s How You can Improve your English Grammar


English continues to remain one of the main subjects throughout school. Since the English language is one of the main means to communicate, our understanding of other subjects is also dependent upon English. The subject has a lot of aspects to learn about while grammar is one of the pillars or building blocks that support the language. 

Students often find it difficult to get a good command of the language and subject due to poor grammar usage. The understanding of how, when, where, the different parts of grammar are used is very important to achieve fluency in speaking as well as writing. Weak grammar is one of the main reasons why students lose a lot of marks during their exams. Since grammar is used not only in its own section but throughout the answers, it can have a huge effect on one’s final scores. 

While many students understand the rules of grammar and their usage very well, other students require extra help in getting a hold of various tenses, voices, and other different topics that are part of English grammar taught in school. Establishing a good grip in English grammar revolves around the acquisition of four important skill sets that are reading, listening, writing, and speaking. It is crucial to understand the significance of building a strong base in grammar.

Improve your English Grammar

Here are some tips that can help students get a better understanding of various rules and topics to help improve their grammar:

  • Create a goal and be committed
    Understanding the various rules of English grammar and their application can be a tough task for some. Hence, it is important to find the motivation to improve and be committed to this goal. Dropping out in the middle will not result in any proper improvement since there are a lot of topics to learn about.
  • Get a grammar book
    NCERT provides grammar books that are inclusive of all topics in detail with examples to explain the application. Students can also practice their understanding through given exercises for every topic. This will also help in revising what the students learned in school. English grammar books other than the NCERT are also very easily available.
  • Utilize your resources
    Students nowadays have access to every piece of information through the power of the internet. One productive use of the internet can be using grammar apps, or videos on grammar lessons available on youtube, etc. These platforms can also help maintain the students’ interest for a longer period and enhance understanding as well. These services can be availed at any given time which is a big advantage over carrying books everywhere.
  • Understand the logic

Every grammar rule is backed by a particular logic for its usage. Making notes of these rules and the logic behind them can help students understand grammar applications better. Once you understand the logic behind any particular grammatical errors you made in the past, it is certain that you would not repeat them.

  • Practice regularly
    Practice is what makes a man perfect at any activity and it is one of the best ways to improve your grammar skills. Solving exercises on various grammar topics will help students understand the proper use of grammar. This will also help you recognize your mistakes or weak spots which can be rectified or improved through more practice. You can also take help of Vedantu ncert solutions for class 9 english beehive.
  • Read more
    The one step that cannot be skipped in the path to improve your grammar is reading. Reading will help you understand how English grammar works. Students can choose any reading material that is of their interest. It does not necessarily have to be school books. Try reading books, newspaper articles, magazines, etc. according to your level of understanding. Grammar usage is also dependent upon the tone the writer uses in any particular write-up. Certain sentences may sound strange but that would only be due to your unawareness of the various grammar concepts. In case of any difficulty, take help from your teacher, parents, or any other adult with fluency in the language.
  • Pay attention to your surroundings
    Proper learning and understanding of any language are not limited to the classroom. There are a huge number of things in our surroundings that have content displayed in English. Paying attention to things like billboards, posters, pamphlets, information-display boards at various places, can help students learn something new almost every day. Try listening to any conversations or announcements taking place in English around you.
  • Try communicating in English
    Use every opportunity with your teachers, friends, and family members to communicate with them in English only. Understanding the usage of grammar is not only limited to writing or learning textbook rules. The time spent practicing your conversational skills in English will also help enhance your understanding of various grammar concepts like tenses, pronouns, regular and irregular verbs, etc.
  • Watch English shows or movies
    Watching English movies or television series can also help students learn through ways that they may have more interest in. This is a very practical way to understand the use of language. 
  • Write more

Improving your grammar also needs writing practice in class as well as for your own enjoyment. Students can practice writing about their day like in a diary entry, or about any real or fictitious events they wish to write about.

  • Expand your vocabulary

Through reading, students will also be able to improve their vocabulary skills by learning new words. Students can write the new words learned to remember them later. This can help improve one’s conversational as well as grammar skills since a strong vocabulary is a base for fluency in any language. 

  • Discuss with your teacher

In case students feel the need for extra practice, or need more help with any grammar topic, reaching out to your English teacher is the best option. Your teacher can help you understand the concepts, mistakes made in different exercises, etc. This will help bring improvement as well.

Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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