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Home Gaming Dracovish (Gen 8 Pokémon) – Weaknesses, Abilities, and Fascinating Facts

Dracovish (Gen 8 Pokémon) – Weaknesses, Abilities, and Fascinating Facts



If you’re a fan of Pokémon, you’ve probably heard about Dracovish. It’s a unique Fossil Pokémon known for its incredible power and fascinating history. Recently, Serebii.net, a popular Pokémon site like Fate Anime, announced a special distribution event for Dracovish in Pokémon Sword & Shield.

This article will explore everything about Draco, including its traits, abilities, and why it’s such an exciting addition to any Pokémon team. So, whether you’re new to Pokémon or a seasoned player, let’s dive into the world of Draco and see what makes it so special!

The Dracovish Serebii Distribution Event

Recently, Serebii.net announced a special distribution for Pokémon Sword & Shield. Players could receive a free Draco using a code given out during the European International Championships. Events like this are exciting because they allow players to add rare and special Pokémon to their teams. Dracovish’s inclusion in such events highlights its popularity and importance in the Pokémon community on maxxfour.com.

Dracovish’s Role in the Pokémon World

Dracovish isn’t just powerful—it’s also a symbol of how Pokémon combines imagination with science. Its fossil-inspired design reminds players of the wonders of ancient creatures, while its abilities make it a thrilling addition to any game. What’s more, Draco quirky traits, like needing water to breathe, show how Pokémon creators add depth and personality to their creations on fun88ml.com.

Dracovish Move Set and Weakness:

Dracovish Weakness and Move sets are tabulated in detail.

Basic Stats:

CategoryFossil Pokémon
Height2.3 m
Weight215.0 kg
Abilities1. Water Absorb2. Strong JawSand Rush (hidden ability)
Buddy Distance3 m
Capture & Flee Rate45
Max CP2860

All Moves:

Water Gun40100
Brutal Swing60100
Ancient Power60100
Dragon Breath60100
Super Fang90
Fishious Rend85100
Dragon Pulse85100
Dragon Rush10075

Weakness and Resistance:

Galarian Rapidash weakness and Resistance chart is featured below:



Vulnerable to:


Resistant to:


Dracovish Evolution:

Dracovish does not evolve. However, Dracovish is said to have been the summit hunter of now because of its incredible legs and jaws, and the capacity to run at speeds surpassing 40 mph (60 km/h). Notwithstanding, it couldn’t inhale except if it was submerged. Draco supposedly went wiped out due to overhunting its prey, however, this is likely not the situation because it was consolidated from two separate Pokémon that each had their specialities prior to going wiped out like digitalhub4geeks.com/.

The feet have three red hooks. The neck is likewise generally green yet has a red stripe going up the centre. The stripe is fixed with three bent spikes on the two sides. Dracovish’s head is generally roundabout with an adjusted three-sided plate on the top. 

What Type of Pokemon Is Dracovish? 

Dracovish is a crossover fossil Pokémon. It comprises an ancient fish head put over the back portion of the body of an earthbound ancient reptile (the “neck”, the associating component between the two parts, would relate to the tail of the first reptile). The legs are generally green with two pink stripes. The feet have three red hooks. The neck is likewise overwhelmingly green however has a red stripe that ascents towards the middle. The strip is fixed with three bent tips on the two sides. Draco head is generally roundabout with an adjusted three-sided plate at the top. 

A red and white district stretches out between the eyes. Its mouth has three sharp teeth in the centre. His eyes are adjusted and have dark rectangular students. Two blades jut from the lower part of the jaw. 

How to Use Dracovish Effectively

If you want to make the most of Draco in battles, here are some tips:

1. Prioritize Speed

Dracovish’s Fishious Rend move deals extra damage if it attacks first, so giving it speed boosts is crucial. You can use items like Choice Scarf to ensure it out speed’s opponents.

2. Pair It with Support Pokémon

Dracovish works well with teammates that can set up rain, such as Pelipper. Rain boosts the power of Water-type moves, making Fishious Rend even more devastating.

3. Watch Out for Counters

Grass- and Fairy-type Pokémon can pose a challenge for Draco. Having backup Pokémon to handle these types will help balance your team.


Dracovish is a standout Pokémon, loved for its strength, unique design, and fascinating lore. Whether you’re adding it to your competitive team or collecting it as part of an event like the Dracovish Serebii distribution, this Pokémon is sure to impress. Its powerful legs, crushing jaws, and game-changing Fishious Rend move make it a top choice for battles. At the same time, its rarity and special traits make it a favorite among Pokémon fans.

So, if you haven’t already, be sure to explore everything Dracovish has to offer. With its mix of strength and charm, it’s a Pokémon you won’t want to miss!

Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Beautyanjleena@gmail.com Thanks

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