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Home EDUCATION Know your Teacher’s Assignment Assessment Strategies

Know your Teacher’s Assignment Assessment Strategies

What is meant by Assessment?

Teacher assessment is a cohesive and systematic process of gauging the dexterity and capabilities of students’ learning and using the learned information for making judgments about their progress. The Information about students’ progress can be obtained from different resources 

that students undergo during a specific academic term, i.e., (SUTTON, n.d.)

  • Projects
  • Quizzes
  • Assignments 
  • Observations 
  • Tests
  • In-class activities 
  • Presentations

Thus, using the above-mentioned resources, certain information is gathered about the students that the teachers use to evaluate their results. Top assignment writers UK based coin the term as assessment is one of the most fruitful methods of teaching and learning for the students since it creates feedback which is then used to improve students’ performance. 


With evaluation and assessment students become more aware of their own skills and can work on the weak areas by doing so they gain confidence in themselves and as a result of it, their performance is improved and they achieve what is expected from them

What does assessment do?

The main objective of teachers assessing the learning abilities of the students is to understand the threshold of each student i.e., to understand how much information each student can retain. Not only this, assessment helps in minimizing the gap between a student’s current learning outcome and what they want to achieve. This, therefore, becomes the prime duty of teachers to plan such tasks that would help the students accomplish their goals.

Classroom assessment also enables the students to become more active in their learning and start to ponder like a teacher. They understand more clearly and more vigorously where they are standing now in terms of academic learning, where and how they are moving forward, and how they will reach their destination.

What are the assessment strategies used by teachers?

There are many different forms that teachers make use of to analyze students’ skills and what they have learned. As mentioned above some of the most familiar are quizzes, tests, assignments, tests, and essays. All of these methods are relatively traditional forms that have been in the curriculum for ages.  

However, a certain group of teachers perceives these conventional methods to be limiting in other, important ways. This consequently has made the teachers come up with alternative assessments that they find to be much better and more efficient. For example; (Kampen, 2021)

Diagnostic Assessment 

Diagnostic assessment helps the teachers form standard approaches that can be applied to the entire class at once which will provide more accurate results. 

Some examples of diagnostic assessment include:

  • Short quizzes
  • Journal entries
  • Student interviews
  • Student reflections
  • Classroom discussions
  • Graphics

Not only this, but diagnostic assessments also help the teachers to set a benchmark for the student progress. This means giving the same assessment at the end of the term to understand how much students have progressed from start to end.

Summative Assessments

Summative assessments include standardized tests that provide data for teachers about the student’s progress from start to end

Summative assessment can provide the measurement report by communicating student progress, but it does not always give clear feedback on the learning process.

These are very complex ways of assessments that are used at a higher level. Some of the most commonly used methods are described below; (TechThought, n.d.)

Hand Gestures 

Hand signals can be used to specify students understanding of the subject. Students can show anywhere from five fingers to indicate their maximum level of understanding. Similarly, using one of the fingers indicates minimal understanding. 

This strategy requires engagement by all students and allows the teacher to gauge the highest levels of understanding in a specific group. 

Respond cards

Cards, signs, whiteboards, magnetic boards, or other items are instantaneously held up by all students in class. This is an activity that keeps the students engaged and active throughout the class session. 

This activity indicates students’ responses to a specific question asked by the teacher. Using response, the teacher can easily understand the responses of individual students while teaching the entire class at once.

Choral Reading 

Under this method, students are asked to mark a certain topic and read it aloud to the entire class. Reading the marked text aloud together with the teacher helps students develop fluency; make them learn the difference between the reading of statements and questions and practice phrasing, and reading dialogue.


Best British Assignment Writers suggest that teachers are now experimenting with the student’s dexterity with self-evaluation and peer-evaluation. Other educational specialists believe that students are more engaged and involved in performing well and improving their performance in a particular course when they know that their professors, instructors, and other peers in the class are also enthusiastically involved in the overall assessment.

This enables a sense of completion in them which helps them work harder, perform better, and ultimately accomplish the set high goals in the classroom. 

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Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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