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Home EDUCATION Job Part-Timing for Students in Germany

Job Part-Timing for Students in Germany


Life as a student comes with a myriad of challenges, although it also shapes one for life outside campus. As I was interested to do my statistics homework I’ve been making some investigations that most students in Germany work part-time jobs for various reasons which can span working to have more savings, for repaying student loans or have more cash flows to enjoy life with. However, operating such jobs push students to the limit because of the amount of school work they must accomplish within stipulated timelines besides putting some extra time in these jobs to make an extra buck.

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According to a survey, sixty-six per cent of students residing in Germany have part-time jobs, and they work an average of thirteen and a half hours every week. A majority wait tables, assist in offices, carry out sales, and also drive taxis. 40% of the part-timing students are temporary employees, while 28% and 11% work as academic assistants and tutors respectively. Most of these students earn an average net income totalling 10€ each hour, which is good money to cater for their student and living needs.

Advantages of Working Part-Time as Students  in Germany

  • Students get a paycheck, which goes a long way to cater to their expenses both in academics and life in general.
  • Students can also get the first-hand experience of what work entails, something that they can benefit from in their future endeavors or sprucing up their CV.
  • Part-timing also helps students to build skills in time management, group dynamics, and networking.
  • Finding a part-time job that is in line with your career objectives can also massively boost your credentials and offer you a competitive edge over graduates in the same field without the experience and skills.
  • International students can also get to experience and learn the culture, lifestyle, and language of the German people within the region where they are.


A part-time job consumes a lot of time, and a student can find it tough to balance when they advance to higher levels of their program that demand dedication of more of their time. For instance, when doing a seminar, project, or master thesis. To balance and excel in both academics and the job, a student must sacrifice their leisure or recreational time, which might lead to a burn out in the long run.

Legal Situation

  • Non-EU or EEA Students

Non-EU or EEA students can only work for two hundred and forty half days or a hundred and twenty full days every year by German law. They can also do so without approval from the employment agency in Germany. Students who intend to work longer hours must apply for permission. However, this doesn’t apply to those working as student or scientific assistants.

  • EU/EEA Students

Students from these regions get recognition as German students and can freely access the labour market in Germany. They, however, get considered full-time students when they work for less than twenty hours a week between lectures. Such students also have to comply with taking up the country’s health insurance if they enrol in paid internships or part-time jobs within the German borders.


Generous rules benefit students when it comes to taxation though ordinarily, automatic deductions for diverse contributions on social security happen. Below €450 monthly earning, you don’t get to pay taxes though above this figure and below €9000 each year, tax is deducted from your salary, though refunded after filing your tax returns.


It’s essential to take up a part-time job while studying in Germany. Equally, it’s vital to learn and understand the various regulations that apply if you want to study and work in Germany.

Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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