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Home BUSINESS Learn the powerful AWS skills in 2021 for free

Learn the powerful AWS skills in 2021 for free

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The current world and job market have multiple opportunities in the employment sector. This sector expects the potential employees to have certain skill-sets to gain employment. Even though it is true that no skill is ever wasted, it is also equally true that certain skills have an edge and opens the gates to a larger number of opportunities. Hence, it becomes crucial to be on the lookout for courses that would allow an individual to master the most sought-after skills. By exploring these courses and updating your skills, you will get the chance to learn from experts in the field. You will have the flexibility to begin learning anywhere. You can explore the following free online courses to get the best out of your time and upskill yourself- Try free pdf editor download

Cyber Security

Cyber Security is the practice of defending servers, electronic mechanisms, and related networks from any type of digital attack. Also commonly referred to as information technology security, cybersecurity can be divided into certain categories like:

  • Network Security: It involves the protection of computer networks from intruding alien networks.
  • Application Security: This category implies the protection of various software and applications. It is very crucial to preserve them from intruders as the latter might otherwise gain access to the data the respective application or software in question is supposed to protect. 
  • Operational Security: It consists of the protection of significant data assets. 

There are several courses related to cybersecurity that may help an aspirant, both at the advanced and beginner level, including CISSP, CISM, and so on.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis may be defined as the process of comprehending and transforming significant data which is then used for the decision-making process. Data analysis allows the user to look for particular patterns within the data, analysis of the possibilities using that data, different conclusions, using data to solve potential business problems, etc. This field offers multiple openings for potential employees within the business world in various departments. Courses related to this field include an introduction to data science, data science with Python, an introduction to data analytics, and so on.

Digital Marketing

Marketing itself is an umbrella term that comprises promotions of brands and various products available for the masses. When one talks about digital marketing, it is the use of the internet and forms of technical, digital communication to gain the attention of potential customers and popularize a brand or product. It includes, for instance, the various marketing campaigns commercializing a brand on social media.

Digital marketing is rarely outsourced by any firm or company; they would want to have as much control over their marketing techniques as possible. This calls for having an in-house team, which in turn brings up a lot of opportunities for freshly graduated students. It is also necessary then, to have as much knowledge about traditional marketing and digital marketing as possible. Some online digital marketing courses that can be looked up include digital and social media marketing, advanced social media programs, and so on.

Software Development

To begin with, software is a set of programs that makes any computer functional. It is responsible for instructing and essentially controlling the actions of the computer. When one talks about software development, just as the name suggests, it is the process of creating, designing, and then supporting software. There are two basic types of software:

  • System Software: It allows smooth functioning by being an intermediate between the user and the hardware. The two main types of system software are operating system and utility software. 
  • Application Software: It allows the user to complete tasks on the computer. These can be anything, ranging from calculations to designing digital graphics. 

Software development has always been a skill-set that is in constant demand in the business world. It requires a certain degree of patience and finesse. To work on the same, there are multiple courses available online, both paid and unpaid, that allow aspirants to come closer to their goals.

Project Management

Project Management is an up-and-coming field that refers to planning and organizing a respective company’s resources towards a specific task or project. It is associated with a wide range of areas in the corporate world, information technology, healthcare, etc. There are certain types within this field of project management:

  • Waterfall Project Management: The project flows in one direction, with a new task being taken up after the previous one is complete.
  • Agile Project Management: This involves breaking down the project or task into multiple smaller segments, with team members working simultaneously to complete their set of work. A major benefit of this type is that an error may be fixed without having to start the entire project from scratch. 
  • Lean Project Management: This type is based on the idea of giving more with less. The goal is to work and satisfy the customer demand, all the while using limited resources and avoiding any wastage of resources.

Big Data

Big data implies large quantities of data, consisting of complex and diverse sets of information that keeps growing at an increasing rate. It can be structured or unstructured and collected through various sources such as questionnaires, social media, online applications, and so on. It also opens doors for some well-paying jobs such as:

  • Big Data Engineer: They are responsible for converting large amounts of data into insights which can then be used by the company to make favorable decisions.
  • Data Architect: These professionals are assigned the task of designing data structures, as well as maintaining the same. This can then be used to develop plans and strategies for the company.
  • Database Developer: They are responsible for analyzing the database processes and looking for potential threats, technical issues like unfinished coding, etc. They work closely with the development team and look after the overall database performance.

There is a lot of diversity in the skills that you can develop and it gets difficult to keep up with the constantly evolving professional demands. While it may not be possible to get a degree in all these specializations, there are courses offered by multiple avenues to help carve a future path for yourself. 

Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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