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Home EDUCATION My Experience as an International UK Student

My Experience as an International UK Student

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There are a lot of students these days who want to study abroad, especially in the UK. As someone who is studying in the UK, I feel compelled to share my experience as an international student here. In this post, I will mainly focus on the struggles I have faced here and what I learned from them. 

If you want to prepare yourself for studying in the UK then keep on reading this post.

Experiences Of A Foreign Student In the UK

Cultural Difference:

The first thing I experienced once I went to the UK is the cultural difference. I had heard that a lot of students like me who came to study in the UK had experienced cultural differences but I did not think much of it. Experiencing it myself was an entirely different thing. It is better for students like us to always think about it whenever we plan to study abroad. 


The cultural difference did not take much time to turn into a cultural shock. From clothes to mannerisms everything had changed. I was afraid that I may offend someone with my remarks and was always evaluating my words before saying them. Some of my friends there mentioned getting social anxiety because of this change.

For me, experiencing cultural differences resulted in facing troubles while trying to concentrate on my assignments and everyday activities, wanting to stay alone all the time, messed up eating and sleeping habits. It even got to the point where I became easily irritable and angry.

With the help of the internet and my classmates, I tried my best to adjust to this new environment, and here is what I have learned: Socialize a lot with locals, ask them questions and listen to them. There are a lot of friendly people who eagerly helped me out.

Feeling Homesick:

Leaving your family and your country behind is one of the saddest parts of this journey. As soon as I came here, at first I did not feel anything but soon homesickness got to me. There was food but it was not the same as I used to eat at home. Becoming a newly independent person, I had nobody to help me out with my chores and guide me with basic things whereas back at home we did all the work as a family.

Finding people who share the same opinion as mine, trying to fit it only made me release how much I used to take my home for granted.

Luckily with some time, I found students who shared the same interests as mine and came from the same or at least a familiar background. It brought back a sense of belonging and home. UK houses international students from all around the world to study so there are high chances of you finding friends of similar thoughts.

Managing Finances:

UK is not a cheap country, this is not only because of the pricing system but also the currency conversion rate. Whatever money you take there, it is bound to finish soon. So like me, you will need to get a part-time job and manage finance along with your studies.

It is definitely tough since getting an education is the main reason I came to the UK and part-time jobs are important if I want to afford my expenses. Other than this poor management of funds is also one of the reasons why I faced financial problems. I ended up paying more for my accommodation than usual and only realized this after some time of being there.

If an international student is not aware of the pricing it will cause them to lose money because they will pay more for food, rent, and other basic things even when they are available at cheaper prices. Fortunately, after some time I learned budgeting skills and it allowed me to spend less on things that were not needed. 

Academic Issues:

A major problem I had once our class started getting assignments was to figure out which source of help should I go for if I am unable to write an assignment essay due to language barriers. The essays need to be well-written if I want to get a good grade (Professionalessayservice, 2018). But this was not all, each of my professors was handing me assignments and soon enough there were piles of them that had to be finished.

In such a situation I broke down crying a couple of times which my friends witnessed. We started to hold group study sessions, take assignments to help London-based services assistance, and had discussions with our seniors which bore fruit.

If you are taking the time to navigate the sources of help then let me tell you the people around you and the internet will assist you in seeking academic help. On the internet you can just search for “Best pay for Assignments to be done UK based services” and get dozens of options to choose from, you can take a peer’s help with the assignment too if they have any knowledge regarding it.


In my experience, finding suitable accommodation in the UK is not easy. This is much more evident in the cities where the most famous universities are located such as is London. Moreover, the large population in these cities makes access to student accommodation tiresome as well as costly to a certain extent.

Since I was aware of this fact therefore I got roommates to share my accommodation with. This way we could divide the rent. In addition, this allowed me to do fewer chores and spend more time studying and working.


Studying abroad allows students to have enriched experiences in their academic and personal lives (Costello, J., 2019). It is challenging but at the same time, there are a lot of benefits of studying in the UK. Just keep in mind you are going through all of this for a better career.

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Written by
Suza Anjleena

Suza Anjleena is a Blogger, Tech Geek, SEO Expert, and Designer. Loves to buy books online, read and write about Technology, Gadgets, Gaming, LifeStyle, Education, Business, and more category articles that are liked by most of her audience. You can contact me via Email to: Thanks

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