While no business should ignore marketing, you should not just jump right into it. It starts before you start operations of your business, but there is a lot more to do even before that. If you start marketing campaigns without doing any prerequisite homework, your investment won’t bring its best results. Here are a few important things you must have before getting started with the marketing campaign of your business.
A Business Marketing Campaigns Plan
A business plan usually answers seven questions in detail that covers pretty much everything you should know before taking any step. This includes product details, financial goals, and marketing strategy. Your business plan would give you a much clearer idea of what you are selling and who you are selling it to. This knowledge would make marketing campaigns much more efficient.
An Audience Persona
An audience persona has attributes of your customers. There can be more than one personas depending on your product and the kind of people who would buy it. The audience persona should include demographics and interest of your target audience that you will learn after doing thorough research and brainstorming. For example, you would look for professionals working in the HR department if you are selling HR management software.
List of Marketing Channels
There is no shortage of modes of communication if you are trying to reach out to the public. It has become much easier now that SMS marketing is alive again. You can get a text messaging service for business to efficiently execute it in your campaign. However, you should avoid wasting resources on people who won’t become your customer.
This is where you use audience personas and other data gathered through research to determine where you would find your potential customers. If you are looking for professionals, you should definitely add LinkedIn in your marketing strategy.
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